this and that

Tonight I'm feeling exceptionally lonely and miserable and just a bit tipsy! so this post might get to a very, very, very, Mariana trench level deep level. The problem is, there's nothing in my head right now. We'll see where this goes. Thank God this has a spell check! 

Today I was cleaning the cottage and found like 4 euros, one Canadian beer and an unopened bottle of 40% Vodka. Geez, and the boss said I could keep them "but you're underage!" "no one said I'd be the one drinking them!" Ha ha. I love my boss.

Also, A BOY IS PROBABLY MOVING INTO MY HOUSE which obviously only means less loneliness for me, and nothing else. Obviously. Aaaand yeah. He told me it's not 100% sure that he's moving in, but today the other boss told me to get a room ready for him, sooo... :) yay no more loneliness except that that's what it's gonna be, he's not the nice and social type lol because that's exactly what I am.

And in the email the other boss also told me to "forget about the pony people and just ride him tomorrow" so yayayayayayyayaaayayayaaaayyy I'm keeping my pony for now!! I reeeally don't want to let him go, even though three horses is quite a lot of work for one WHILE you're taking care of other things as well... The pony just means a lot to me :3 The other two horses are just hanging there, and there's not much you can do with them.

I really feel like going out, or even to see a movie or anything like the Despicable me, oh my world the film seems incredibly awesome!!!!  :/ I'd just like to get away from Waterside for a while.. Not that I wouldn't love the place but it's just been my whole life for the past month, I haven't even been sleeping anywhere but here in Waterside... So yea, I'd like to get away from here just for a night or something :/

I really am feeling miserable now :D this is pathetic. I've turned into an 30 year old lonely bachelorette or something. Except that my house isn't like that, thank cheesus for that.

Just trying to cheer myself up here, no judging please!

I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.

Audrey Hepburn 

Alright, time for bed

Good night sleep tight don't let the bedbadbug whatever bite

Oona x

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